
About Mettlesemi

Mettlesemi is steadfast in Its commitment to meet customer expectations and is well placed to deliver solutions tailored to specialized requirements. Despite being a young startup we have been able to secure the trust of our customers by demonstrating of our domain expertise, work proficiencies and proven delivery capabilities.

The fact that our customers have relied on us and have repeatedly approached us for continued partnership and new deals stands testimony to the quality of work Mettlesemi delivers. This gives us immense strength, encouragement and further strengthens our commitment to surge forward in this domain.

Mettlesemi Pre-Silicon Validation Solution

Mettlesemi Team

The Mettlesemi team brings together a rich and diverse experience of 60 plus years. Owing to the tremendous learning potential and career-growth prospects from the array of projects we undertake, we have been able to attract the best-in-class industry talent.

We nurture an inclusive work environment and our team is united in its passion, shared knowledge, desire for thought leadership and most importantly a common sense of purpose and ownership. Our team works with our customers to provide be-spoke solutions and technologies that are out of the box and adhere to the latest standards.